Spray Paint and Food.

There are many ways to make the food shots have ‘that look’ you are desiring.

Spray paint is the obvious one for many but the fumes are not always pleasant or healthy.

You can use anything your heart desires…as long as its legal in your country.

Here are a few that I have read about: Shoe Polish (make the steak look good and browned). Place wet cotton balls in the microwave to get them steaming and then place them behind the food for fresh out of the oven look. White glue instead of milk for the cereal shots you are wanting. Of course toothpicks will hold together and buildup many different food setups.

The art of food photography requires lots of imagination. With a little practice – along with patience – you, too, will develop clever shortcuts and illusory sleight-of-hand moves of your own that you can pass down to the next generation of aspiring food shooters.
