Window of Opportunity

There are times that you will only get a few moments in which to catch your shot. This snow on my deck only lasted bout 5 minutes and was gone…


Snow Deck Alaska

What’s it saying?

Some of the best fotos are the random shots of life around you. Now that most everything is digital, we can take loads of fotos and just delete the unwanted ones later.

I am a creative fotographer, thus the spelling of foto this way. 🙂 I want to see things that perhaps are overlooked by others. In this particular foto, I see life in the well used basketball. I see the game was being played, winter came, the snow fell and the hibernation of the basketball.

What do you see?


best basketball

Anchorage, Alaska!

Another great Photo Blog from my friend in Finland!

Here is a FOTO i snapped from under the bridge below Anchorage.

Anchorage Alaska

Occupy Fairbanks

occupy fairbanks

Family Times